: Public Class
Created: 23/05/2018 14:50:12
Modified: 16/12/2020 13:12:12
Statistical data on the procedure and the lot. <br/><br/>Additional Information<br/><br/>At the present time Procurement Procedures are not fully electronic. At a later date, information on the tenders received could be inferred by the data in the eProcurement system.<br/>Therefore this class is temporal and should cease to exist in fully electronic procurement.<br/>The need for its presence responds also to the alignment with the Regulation (EU) 2019/1780 (eForms).<br/><br/>Attention will have to be paid in the future to possible inconsistencies derived from data placed in other classes and data held in the Statistical Information class; e.g. the TenderEvaluation class (see eEvaluation diagram) has the attribute admissibileTender indicator, which in case of being false, may enter in contradiction with the highest or lowest tender value for that very same inadmissible tender.<br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The amount of tenders received from economic operators in other EEA countries other than the country of the buyer.<br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The amount of applications to participate from economic operators.<br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The number of economic operators that requested the buyer to review any of its decisions (e.g. the technical specifications, award decision), as set out in Art. 1(5) of Directive 89/665/EEC and Directive 92/13/EEC.<br/><br/>WG Approval 11/04/2019<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The amount of tenders received from economic operators in non-EEA countries. <br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019 15:20:36<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The amount of tenders received from micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.<br/><br/><u>Additional Information:</u><br/><br/>See Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC. <br/>The ReceivedSMETenderLots is used when the size of the company is not exactly knokn.<br/><br/>WG Approval 05/03/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The amount of tenders received from a micro enterprise.<br/><br/><u>Additional Information:</u><br/><br/>See Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Tenders from small enterprise.<br/><br/><u>Additional Information:</u><br/><br/>See Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.<br/><br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Tenders from medium-sized enterprise.<br/><br/><u>Additional Information:</u><br/><br/>See Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC.<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The total amount of tenders received.<br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Tenders received that cannot be awarded  due to non-compliance to procurement document requirements or having an abnormally low price or cost.<br/><br/><u>Additional Information: </u><br/>Non-compliance with a Procurement Document requirements include exclusion grounds, selection criteria and submission deadline, etc.<br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/>
Public epo:Amount
Notes: Amount of the Tender with the lowest value.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/>The value must correspond to an admissible tender. For example, tenders compliant with the procurement document requirements, not having an abnormally low price or cost, etc. <br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/><br/>
Public epo:Amount
Notes: Amount of the Tender with the highest value.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/>The value must correspond to an admissible tender. For example, tenders compliant with the procurement document requirements, not having an abnormally low price or cost, etc. <br/><br/><br/>WG Approval 12/12/2019<br/><br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Tenders received that were found irregular and non-acceptable due to an abnormally low price or cost.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/>The definition implies that abnormally Low Tender Lots are Inadmissible Tender Lots.<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The number of all vehicles (regardless of whether clean or not) that have either been purchased, leased, rented, hired-purchased or their use has been contractually committed to for the provision of a purchased service.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/><br/>In the European Union, the legal requirements and scope for the provision of these vehicles or services are covered by Directive 2009/33/EC.<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Offers received for which it has not been verified if they are admissible or inadmissible (e.g. because award criteria have been evaluated for all tenders and admissibility is checked only for the winning tender).<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Electronic Tender Lots received.<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The number of all zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles that have either been purchased, leased, rented, hired-purchased or their use has been contractually committed to for the provision of a purchased service.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/><br/>In the European Union, the legal requirements and scope for the provision of these vehicles or services are covered by Directive 2009/33/EC.<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Notes: The number of all clean vehicles that have either been purchased, leased, rented, hired-purchased or their use has been contractually committed to for the provision of a purchased service.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/>In the European Union, the legal requirements and scope for the provision of these vehicles or services are covered by Directive 2009/33/EC.<br/><br/>WG Approval 28/07/2020<br/><br/>
Public epo:Integer
Public epo:Integer
Notes: Number of economic operators invited to tender.<br/><br/>Additional Information<br/>This may be used for single-stage procedures or to indicate the number of candidates invited to tender in multi-stage procedures.<br/><br/>WG Approval 01/12/2020<br/><br/><br/>
Element Source Role Target Role
Name: epo:providesAdditionalInformation